Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Why Women In Business Should Do Business With Other Women!

This might be a controversial subject, but one worth exploring in my opinion. I think we would all agree women have come along way in business, especially since the 1960's. I think we would also agree women have much more work ahead of them to have equal access to pay, respect, and relevance in the business world. But are we doing enough to help each other? I worry about this as a business owner.

My stance is I feel compelled as a woman in business (for over 25 years) to conduct business with other women, if possible. I've witnessed the inequality time and time again, and I am determined to see women through probably the most important time of their lives, right now. We need to support and propel each other in business for the following 3 reasons:

  • NOW is the time!! Not next year or the year after, but now. Why? Because women in business growth has been on the rise for a few years, and you need to get into the action now. 
  • All the stars are aligned NOW! There has never been a better time in history to advocate for and endorse women in business. The internet and technology have given us this perfect opportunity to create and manifest our own passions and results.
  • Women can make a huge difference in business, bringing many traits our males counterparts might not possess, like intuition, stability, and passion. Even emotional support during difficult times, such as divorce, or death of a spouse.
I know many will disagree with me and make statements like:

"I need to do business with men in order to stay afloat", or
"I will miss opportunities on half the population", or
"This is sexist"

I am not advocating that we take men out of the mix. I am only suggesting when you have a job to do, and you are the decision-maker or influencer, try to direct your business to another woman with the same qualifications, if appropriate. Many people support men and women alike in business, but how many women support and advocate for each other?

Comments always welcome...
Donna Slater

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