Each and every one of us have engaged in "coaching", whether we were the recipient or the coach at some point in our lives. We all learn and grow until the day we die. If you are reading this and you think you have learned all you can learn, and grown as as a student of life as much as you possibly could, you need not read further. But, if you are a student of life, so to speak, and your brain is a sponge for information, intellect, and stimulation, allow yourself to be coached.
The experience of being coached by somebody who has a vested interest in you, somebody you trust, and somebody who will except your vulnerability, will help you open doors in your life you hardly know exists.
Let's not go crazy, I am not comparing "coaches" to Archangels or Greek Goddesses. Coaches are just like you and me, come in all colors and religions, and some are smarter than others...enough said. However, I contend coaches can offer some unique traits that a friend or family member does not normally provide, even when asked. Consider these factors:
- Coaches will always tell you the truth, no matter what, simply because they are not your friend or family member.
- Coaches will listen to you without judgement and understand your idiosyncrasies in a way no other individual can.
- Coaches will allow you to be a vulnerable student of life, guiding you through moments of dizziness to clarity, so to speak.
Please don't get me wrong. I am not insinuating our family and friends cannot provide us the supportive traits described above. But the truth is our family and friends cannot provide this support at all times. Whether it is because they have their own busy lives and stresses, or they are not skilled, nobody has a vested interest in you to excel like a coach or mentor does.
Of course, finding the RIGHT COACH is another coaching opportunity...for another day.....tomorrow...
Thanks for reading my blog for women in business. Comments, topics, and perspectives are always welcome....
Donna Slater
Business Coach & Consultant
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