Wednesday, April 29, 2015

How A Class Of French MBA Students Taught Me More Than I Taught Them!

I was recently hired to teach a group of students how to create and present a business plan. This was a 9 hour assignment over 3 Monday's and I agreed to do this because I saw an amazing opportunity to meet 40 millennials from France who were selected to come to the U.S. for  a 3 month master program. Really, when else would I have such an opportunity to interact with these intelligent young women and men at a professional level for 9 hours?

My only goal as I tackled this assignment was to have fun and share ideas. As my nerves got the best of me the weekend prior to the first class, all I thought about was how I was going to make the subject of "business plans" exciting, informative and fun! Okay, so the first joke is on me. Unless I performed a stand-up comedy set for nine hours, all I could envision was 40 people staring at me with blank bored faces. I mean, really, business plans are exciting or fun??

These students flew from France the weekend I was fretting over how to have fun in class. They had a full schedule of classes like mine with at least 4 other instructors. They were tired, excited, and my class on Monday was their very first interaction with this program.  Hence, the second joke on me!

I instinctively knew these 40 individuals were smarter than me and I accepted that realization fully and gratefully because I thought, "well, if I don't teach them anything, certainly I will learn from them". I mean, hey, what a great opportunity, right?

After I introduced myself, I felt compelled to share the significance of the date, which was 4/20. Why? Because these students would later venture from their hotels or apartments and "awareness" was paramount to their safety, fun, and diet, or so I thought. For those that don't understand 420, google it.  This day is huge in San Francisco and while I didn't want to know whether they were going to partake in the festivities, this was a lesson better said than unsaid. This became our icebreaker and I wished them well after class.

The second thing I felt compelled to share was the fact I knew they were very intelligent adults and I would treat them as such. This way, if they didn't learn anything from me, it was because they already possessed the knowledge about business plans they needed for the class. Now, the joke is on them.

Seriously though, I had them break up into 5 groups, then create and present business plans. I was right, they are very intelligent and had some great ideas. As I sat with each group, I was able to bring awareness to some some strategies or risks they may not have thought about. I was able to ask them compelling
questions investors would most likely ask. But more importantly, I was able to connect with them and answer their curious questions. I had the opportunity and honor to interact with 40 men and women from France, many of whom were experiencing Americans in the states for the first time. So, who's the joke on now?

Donna Slater

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Attract Joint Venture Relationships... While Unleashing Your Financial Freedom

Joint Venture Partnerships are fast becoming a popular sales & marketing strategy for many small business owners. In short, a joint venture partnership is a monetized, nurtured relationship where two business owners share energy, efforts, and passion to collaborate and promote each other. Of course, nurturing a relationship does not happen overnight, but as a small business owner, this is the best strategy if you meet the following criteria:

  1. You have plenty of clients, but you work like a hungry beast, 24/7. Desire: work less, make more money.
  2. You earn less than $100,000 per year. Desire: go from $50k to $250k in six months.
  3. You have a new business, where your email list (opt-ins) is less than 5,000. Desire: building your list over 5k, where 5k is the "hump".
Joint venture partnerships (which I prefer to refer to the term "relationships"), are fast, easy, cheap, and very lucrative. While you do not have to fit the criteria above (joint ventures are usually for everyone), meeting 1 of the 3 criteria above is by far the optimal method if.....
  • you're a people person
  • you work from home, or in an environment without walk in traffic
  • you desire a freedom lifestyle
  • you have a great, distinctive product or offering
  • you have the ability to fill in product "gaps" for other similar businesses
Joint venture partnerships are not for shy or introverted people. You must have the ability to effectively build a relationship with another person, and give that person a reason to want to promote you! Also, if you possess a license, which certifies you for your business, you will want to research compliance specifications (since you will be paid when an actual product or service is sold).

Thanks for following...hope this is informational to you...Donna

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Why Women In Business Should Do Business With Other Women!

This might be a controversial subject, but one worth exploring in my opinion. I think we would all agree women have come along way in business, especially since the 1960's. I think we would also agree women have much more work ahead of them to have equal access to pay, respect, and relevance in the business world. But are we doing enough to help each other? I worry about this as a business owner.

My stance is I feel compelled as a woman in business (for over 25 years) to conduct business with other women, if possible. I've witnessed the inequality time and time again, and I am determined to see women through probably the most important time of their lives, right now. We need to support and propel each other in business for the following 3 reasons:

  • NOW is the time!! Not next year or the year after, but now. Why? Because women in business growth has been on the rise for a few years, and you need to get into the action now. 
  • All the stars are aligned NOW! There has never been a better time in history to advocate for and endorse women in business. The internet and technology have given us this perfect opportunity to create and manifest our own passions and results.
  • Women can make a huge difference in business, bringing many traits our males counterparts might not possess, like intuition, stability, and passion. Even emotional support during difficult times, such as divorce, or death of a spouse.
I know many will disagree with me and make statements like:

"I need to do business with men in order to stay afloat", or
"I will miss opportunities on half the population", or
"This is sexist"

I am not advocating that we take men out of the mix. I am only suggesting when you have a job to do, and you are the decision-maker or influencer, try to direct your business to another woman with the same qualifications, if appropriate. Many people support men and women alike in business, but how many women support and advocate for each other?

Comments always welcome...
Donna Slater

Monday, February 23, 2015

Why I Will Never Go Back To Corporate America!

Just look at this beautiful scenery above. This scenery represents peace, calm, presence, and happiness. I made a huge decision to leave my corporate job December 2013. At that time, the decision was practically a no-brainer for me. I had to eliminate stress in my life, and my job was the least of my priorities. Most people will never understand this decision because I had a good job, great colleagues, and I had no job to go to! But, what most people won't understand, these are the exact reasons I left my job!

I worked in Corporate America for over 25 years.  I had a very satisfactory journey, and will not regret one moment.....for the most part! LOL. However, over those years, I've developed quite a perspective of WHAT Corporate America DOES to most people over a long period of time. Here are the 3 top examples:

  • IT creates unbelievable stress for employees, because companies are forced (by Wall Street) to squeeze margins, so much that employees are performing the jobs of many people at one time. Corporate America dictates that we do more with less.
  • IT creates animosity among employees, because those same employees (who are performing 2 or 3 jobs) are now forced into "positioning" themselves against their colleagues, supervisors, and direct's for the same jobs.
  • IT creates horrible client satisfaction, because there is simply not enough people to do all the work client's expect and deserve.
It's all one big snowball effect. Team members become jaded, distrustful of leadership, and create overall office dissension amongst team members. For me, Corporate America turned people (I worked with), whom I've grown to really love and care for, become frantic, distressed, paranoid, and unhappy. 

If nothing else, Corporate America prepared me for how to live the second part of my life, with grace, integrity, dignity, and peace! All that matters now is I will continue to grow, but in my own business, with what Corporate America taught me the last 25 years. And, I know this journey will be amazing without all those factors I left behind. 

thanks for following....

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Women In Business-Does Your Sales & Marketing Coach "Forecast Your Potential Results"?

When you go to market your product or service, the menu of options is vast, fast-moving, and overwhelming. You can literally spend 80% of your day figuring out how to: market your brand, lead generation strategies, and result tracking. No doubt these strategies are important, but my question to you is how do you complete the cycle if your coach or online system does not help you "forecast":

  • what sales activities and processes you want to apply daily?
  • how many products/service bundles you need to sell?
  • which services/products do you need to sell (to maximize your margins)?
  • what it takes (in dollars) to ensure you making more than you spend?
When you write your business plan, you "forecast" your sales, revenue, expenses, and risk, right? Why wouldn't your sales and marketing plan include forecasting "what-if scenarios", from safe to aggressive, which you will use as a base for HOW you modify your activities in the future?


Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Women Helping Women-How Can We Support & Advocate For Women In Business?

It's a simple question. Really? Really! Maybe we agree to disagree, but I only accept one answer to this question: JUST DO IT! 

It's time we stop all this nonsense (as my mother would say). It's time we stop all this competition, positioning, mania, and narcissism towards each other! It's time we change the pattern and "woman-up"! We are all guilty at some point or other. 

How can we support and advocate for women in business? Woman-Up!! We need to elevate, inspire, advocate, and support each other. Try these 3 rituals:

  1. We are pros at developing and executing our daily rituals, aren't we, women? Try an additional ritual, and gift "a word of encouragement" to another woman in business. 
  2. As women, we want to be respected, valued, and relevant. Try just a smile and thank you to another woman in business today.
  3. We want our colleagues to listen to our ideas and provide valuable feedback. So, try to converse with each other with kindness, care and sincerity...and truth...and the rest will fall into place.
Simple...really...try, try, try, and just do it!!

Ladies, what one answer will you accept to this question?

thanks for joining me today...donna slater

Friday, February 13, 2015

Women In Business-Why Everyone Deserves To Be "Coached" (Part 4 of 4)

Welcome back! Yesterday I gave you pointed questions to ask coaches and mentors, as you decide which coach is the best fit for you. I also gave you some things to think about as you listen to their answers (to your questions).

I will now demonstrate how you have a "secret coach" you probably did not even know existed. Think about it...

  • We are coached everyday either formally or informally. During the normal course of our lives, we tell individuals something of significance to us every day, listen to their feedback, then act on their feedback, or not. If that person engages with you, listens to you, and provides some form of answer, advice, or statement, that moment could be a "coaching moment". 
  • It is how you reflect and respond to the feedback which is the act of being "coached". You may or may not agree with their feedback. You may or may not have asked for coaching, but you might have given the other person the impression you were open to coaching.
  • We all need an individual, other than a family member or friend, who can be "real" with us all the time. If that person is only there to tell you what you're doing is perfect, then you have affirmation your solutions are on track. Normally, it's another set of eyes and brains which is there to collaborate, brainstorm, offer other ideas or options, or become your partner in crime!
Even coaches need coaches...... which might be a surprise to some of you. Coaches and mentors are fallible, just like you and me, which means not everything they say and think is right or wrong,  and good or bad! It is simply something for you to consider, as you process your thoughts.

I have seen senior management in huge corporations being coached. Many chairman's have coaches or mentors. Not because they are weak, but because they are strong and always learning as a student of life!

I made an admission to myself last year that I am open to any kind of coaching everyday of my life! Yesterday, I was coached by my partner when I explained a time constraint in my day. ALLOW yourself to be coached, as it can be one of the most satisfying moments of your life. Listen to what people say, whether you agree or not. Reflect or act on their statements, whether it is to take action, or not take action.

WHO IS YOUR SECRET COACH THIS WEEK? Please respond and comment if you were the recipient of a coaching moment, and you now recognize that moment as such!

Hope you've enjoyed the 4 part series and have better insight into why everyones deserves to be coached.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Women In Business-Why Everyone Deserves To Be "Coached" (Part 3 of 4)

Today, in part 3 of this series, I will give you pointed questions to ask prospective coaches and mentors. Tip: always listen to your gut!

Before you ask these questions and listen to their answers, keep in mind:

  • It's not always the answer to the question which will help you make your decision. It's more about the manner in which they answer and how their answer makes you feel. Ask yourself: Are they on the same page with me? 
  • Notice their tone and inflection. Are they reading from a script or do you hears words from their heart? Do you feel their passion about what they do?
  • After a few minutes, take note if they are talking about themselves or the solution/answer to your issue? Are they answering the questions in my head? Does it sound feasible, or does it sound confusing?
  1. How is your style of coaching different from other coaches?
  2. What benefits will I receive from you which I won't receive from other coaches?
  3. How do you differentiate yourself from your competition?
  4. How will we communicate?
  5. How will we measure the success of our relationship?
Have fun with your conversations. Words should flow easily. The coach should make you feel like they are easy to talk to. Always listen to your gut!

Tomorrow, in part 4 of the series, I'm going to ask you who your secret coach might be.....

Thanks for joining me here and hope you enjoyed!

Donna Slater

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Women In Business-Why Everyone Deserves To Be "Coached" (Part 2 of 4)

Welcome back. Yesterday in part 1 of this series, I described the experience of being coached and gave you 3 reasons why a coach adds more value than a friend or family member could possibly offer, consistently.

Though, let's be real. Finding the right coach can be challenging, and you have to kiss a lot of coaches before you find the right one. Bottom-line: you must feel a connection with your coach before you will ever believe anything they say; before you will trust their integrity; or before you will ever act on their suggestions or plans. 

A connection can come in many forms:

  • a gut feeling
  • intuition
  • you both like the Dallas Cowboys
  • ease of speaking with each other
  • anything that tells you "I like this person"
The truth is there are no right or wrong answers. But, feeling that connection with anyone you work with is essential to the success of the relationship, and therefore, the success of the businesses. You cannot have a successful business relationship without a real connection between both parties. As a society, we know the phrase "relationship building" is utilized in sales organization's to seal a long-lasting business deal. But it doesn't just relate to a professional-client relationship. "Relationship Building" relates to all of our relationships, including B2B. 

Each and every small business owner deserves to be coached and expect a real connection with that coach or mentor. Do you need a coach? Will you allow yourself to be coached? Can you take the truth? If the person you engage with (as a coach or mentor) cannot evoke a feeling of calm with answers to those questions, he/she is not the right coach! 

Remember what I stated in part 1...The experience of being coached by somebody who has a vested interest in you, somebody you trust, and somebody who will except your vulnerability, will help you open doors in your life you hardly know exists. 
Tomorrow...part 3 of 4, I will give you specific questions to ask a potential coach/mentor and some insight into your "secret coach"!

Thanks for following...hope you enjoy!

Donna Slater

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Women In Business-Why Everyone Deserves To Be "Coached" (Part 1 of 4)

What is a coach? Oy vey, that's a loaded question! Coaches come in all forms, they excel in unique skills, and they all serve many purposes to society. No one coach is alike! In the society we live in they can be Business Coaches, Sport Coaches, Psychotherapists, Teachers, Life Coaches, Mentors, and on and on. The point is many individual people can serve others through "coaching" at different moments or periods in their life. By the way, I am not suggesting these individuals all serve the same purpose and can, therefore, be interchangeable. Just saying...don't get lost in the messaging.

Each and every one of us have engaged in "coaching", whether we were the recipient or the coach at some point in our lives. We all learn and grow until the day we die. If you are reading this and you think you have learned all you can learn, and grown as as a student of life as much as you possibly could, you need not read further. But, if you are a student of life, so to speak, and your brain is a sponge for information, intellect, and stimulation, allow yourself to be coached.

The experience of being coached by somebody who has a vested interest in you, somebody you trust, and somebody who will except your vulnerability, will help you open doors in your life you hardly know exists. 

Let's not go crazy, I am not comparing "coaches" to Archangels or Greek Goddesses. Coaches are just like you and me, come in all colors and religions, and some are smarter than others...enough said. However, I contend coaches can offer some unique traits that a friend or family member does not normally provide, even when asked. Consider these factors:

  • Coaches will always tell you the truth, no matter what, simply because they are not your friend or family member. 
  • Coaches will listen to you without judgement and understand your idiosyncrasies in a way no other individual can.
  • Coaches will allow you to be a vulnerable student of life, guiding you through moments of dizziness to clarity, so to speak.
Please don't get me wrong. I am not insinuating our family and friends cannot provide us the supportive traits described above. But the truth is our family and friends cannot provide this support at all times. Whether it is because they have their own busy lives and stresses, or they are not skilled, nobody has a vested interest in you to excel like a coach or mentor does. 

Of course, finding the RIGHT COACH is another coaching opportunity...for another day.....tomorrow...

Thanks for reading my blog for women in business. Comments, topics, and perspectives are always welcome....

Donna Slater
Business Coach & Consultant

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Women In Business - How Well Do You Respond To The Sales Monster?

Having worked my entire career in a corporate sales culture (until last year), I have seen and heard it all from my colleagues and leaders. I've seen some of the best salespeople and some of the worse salespeople in action. I've seen producers trained to keep their prospect on the phone, even if the prospect has a stroke. I've seen producers trained to answer every objection a prospect might throw at them with a question. And, I've seen some of the smoothest salespeople, where even I want to purchase anything from them.

As a society, we don't answer the sales phone call or make eye contact in the department store when a salesperson is approaching us. For many, it's a source of anxiety and fear. Bottom line, sales can be so exhausting for many consumers and businesses.

Here is my sales monsters (yes, plural) story. Last year, I completed my name and phone number to an online ad for a refinance quote. Within 2 minutes, five different salespeople from different companies embarked on me like the monsters in my nightmares. Before I knew it, I was hiding behind the couch praying for the phone to stop ringing. These 5 individuals called me day and night, and some still call every now and then. None of them wanted to give me information, they only wanted to take my information. I had specific questions, where specific answers would give me the information I needed to make an informed decision. I became too frustrated to pursue the answers to my questions!

How do I respond to these sales monsters? Simple...I hide and pray them away. In case you are confused at this point, I do not respond very well to sales monsters. Are there women in small business who do respond well to sales monsters? I haven't met any....yet!

Seriously, not all salespeople are bad, many salespeople care about their prospects and clients. The truth is you do not have to respond well to sales monsters. We have a nation of salespeople who are kind and caring servants to people like you who just want a fair deal and real answers to questions (you need to make informed decisions). One last note, keep looking until you find that one person who doesn't stuff sales down your throat! They are out there!

Thanks for reading my 22 cents. Hope you enjoyed. Comments are welcome.

Monday, February 2, 2015

"The Persuasion Sales & Marketing Recipe" for Women In Business

Are you confused by all the types of marketing, such as content marketing, strategic marketing, tactical marketing, social media marketing, etc? Join the club and let me introduce you to yet another type of marketing....Persuasion Marketing!

The reason why "persuasion marketing" is important is because this recipe will enable you look your prospects in the eye or send an email, and compel them to stop what they are doing, and listen to or read what you have to say. You have approximately 6 seconds to not only gain their attention, but to keep their attention through the recipe process, as well.

Persuasion Marketing is simply organizing the buying and
selling processes so you can present compelling information
about your product or service that will persuade your prospects
to take a specific action....

• All marketing should inform and persuade your prospects
• Marketing is a science that follows a very simple equation:

  • It MUST grab the reader’s attention
  • It MUST facilitate the prospect’s information gathering & decision making process
  • It MUST provide a specific, low risk, easy to take action that helps them make a good decision
The Persuasion Sales & Marketing Recipe is:

  •  Interrupt
  •  Engage
  •  Educate
  •  Offer
Interrupt, Engage, Educate, and Offer are the secret ingredients and must be processed in order and naturally. You Interrupt with your headline or bold statement to your prospect. You Engage them by what you say next or your sub-headline, which is playing off of your interrupt ingredient. You then Educate them with a solution or idea for an issue in their head. Finally, you give them an Offer they can't refuse.

Follow the Persuasion Marketing Recipe and you will see results!

Hope you enjoyed...comments are welcome....

Friday, January 30, 2015

Women In Business-Ask for Referrals...It's Not That Hard!

Whenever a client or prospect says "thank you for all your work", most sales people say "my pleasure...blah blah blah". You can fill in anything with blah blah blah, but I will give you the correct  general are very welcome...this is my passion and I love what I do....and, because you feel this way, can you give me three names of people you know who would appreciate the same client experience? At that point, you can ideal client is just like you, with the same needs, (fill in the rest)....

This is not intended to encompass the entire conversation, but at this point, the client will feel compelled and obligated to give you 3 "qualified" names. One example of how to make them accountable is to ask for name, email and phone number by email introduction with their referral cc'd. Of course the client will probably ask permission of their friends or family they refer first, and they should ask permission of those people! Nobody wants to be blindsided and transparency is the best policy.

It's really that simple. While many in sales think this is awkward, remember... your client's expect you to ask for referrals, as they know this is a standard in business. Bottom line is if you were able to close the business, you should be courageous enough to ask for referrals. Need I say timing is everything???

Hope you enjoy my blogs...comments welcome...

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Women In Business-Are We Ready To Take On Small Business As A Society?

Now is the time for women in business to excel and thrive in the small business world! We are poised to seriously move forward as a gender related society in small business. Women are everywhere, from politics to corporate leadership, but small business is where women have ample opportunity to excel and thrive now and into the next decade!

In my experience as a coach, I wonder if women are really ready to proceed as leaders in small business? I encounter resistance, insecurity, and passive characteristics with some clients and prospects. I feel they are almost ready, but not quite there yet. They have distrust for other people in small business, and wonder what's in it for them.

However, I also encounter women of great strength, courage, tenacity, and a feeling of indescribable unity (amongst all women in small business). Many women have identified the significance of their role and leadership in business, and I see the spirit of connectedness making a serious effort to advocate and advance women in all roles for the next few decades.

So, are we ready to take on small business as a society? Yes....and no is the correct answer. This is evolutionary, exciting, and scary. We are making progress and have ample opportunity for future market share, and the fear and anxiety we feel can only amplify our spirit to greatness.

Women in business.... let us seize the moment, unify in masses, and come forward to for all women everywhere, and for the strength of the women of the future!

Thanks and hope you enjoyed this message. Comments welcome. Contact me at

Monday, January 26, 2015

Women In Business-Small Business Sales Tip: Seek Qualified Prospects

Small business owners instinctively know sales is paramount to their business. Because of this, finding "qualified prospects" is imperative to business owners more than ever before. Moreover, small business owners lack the time to delve deep into all their prospects. You've heard of "suspects" and "prospects" as a description of whom is in your sales pipeline. Tip: delete your suspects, and focus your energy honing in on your "qualified prospects".

A prospect is not qualified until you have a solution for the issue they need addressed! A qualified prospect must acknowledge you have what they want, whether it is a product or service. You must communicate your solution in such a way that you enter the conversation going on in the mind of your prospect, and help them understand why you are the person or resource they need to invest in.

A tool to help you make the most of the time you put into sales is Pareto's 80/20 rule. If you set aside 2 hours today for sales and prospecting, 80% of your efforts should be directed towards "qualified clients", and 20% can be directed to those prospects, which can eventually become qualified. Suspects are nothing more than energy suckers, and the revenue you receive from them is usually insignificant.

I would be remiss if I didn't also suggest that if you work 10 hours today, 80% of your time should be focused on everything to do with implementing sales and marketing strategies, and 20% of your time can be focused on other tasks. Out-source if you need to, but manage your time for optimal revenue!

Comments welcome...

Thanks for tuning in today.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Small Business Owners - "Outsourcing" vs. "Building A Team Of Professionals"

I am pretty sure we all agree small business owners need to outsource some of the skills and resources they don't possess themselves. Perhaps they don't have the time to complete all the tasks!

I see a trend of small business owners just hiring anyone who answers their call and reacts to their problem. As a coach, I see more "just call someone and fix the problem" than building a team of professionals (around you)  which you can count on and they will return your calls, share ideas with you, collaborate with you, and refer client's and other professionals to each other because you share a mutual trust and respect for each other.

My message is to build relationships with the professionals you work with, share the same values and goals, feel a connection, and create a working partnership, which is a win-win for all. More and more "accountability partners" come out of this relationship building.

The creation of a professional team evolves over the life of your business, creating a static environment of constant re-assessment and re-evaluation of your vision and mission statements.

If you want to take this further, you can create an "affiliate program" to pay and receive business and revenue, as a result of your outgoing referrals or referrals sent to you (by someone on your professional team). This subject is easier discussed over the phone or in person, than through a blog. 

Look for my article about this subject with more information and solutions in the next week.

Hope you enjoy my blogs and contact me with feedback:

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Women In Business- I Challenge All Baby Bloomers To Mentor A Millenial In 2015

I have little doubt that in the next future decades, the millennial women of today will help advance and advocate for women in small business of the future.While the journey for women in small business is evolutionary, millennial women are best positioned to move and grow right now! So let's support them the best way we know how!

 This article explains the millennial characteristics very well.....

I am a self-described baby boomer who has over 25 years in business. I admit I do not have many characteristics the millennial of today possesses. However, as long as I have capacity (lol), I can still learn, and learning is what I've done to start my business. Thanks to the millennial, and those who preceded them, there is not one thing you can't do on the internet.

The only thing I and other baby boomers have left for a millennial woman is to mentor her, advocate for her, and leave her with a positive influence. Who gets value like that? I can speak for many baby boomers who did not have a female mentor, advocate, and positive influence in business. Certainly not like our male counterparts did.....

So, my challenge is to women baby a female millennial who you think you can influence and help prepare her for the future of women in small business. 

Please share if you commit to this challenge with other women you know and me at 

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Women In Business - Join Me In "Living Outside The Box"

You know that old saying "think outside the box"? Seriously, can we let it go already? Not only are we thinking outside the box, we are "living outside the box". What does this mean? There is no box anymore....

As a business coach, what I experience a lot is small business owners acting as if they begin to "think outside the box" they are more intelligent than their competition, and create this huge edge in business. Memo to those business owners: NO, NO, NO.

Everyday your priorities should change from the prior day. Tip: Making a list and sticking to it is not going to align your activities with your sales, revenue, marketing plan, and sales objectives. However, making a list and always evolving that list every day can align with all your objectives, as long as you apply the correct strategies.

Now, if you're a small business owner and your priorities are not changing daily, I have to deduct your business is either not making enough money, failing, or pretty much gone. Tip: analyze what you do every day and if you're not generating 80% of your time to sales growth, revenue growth, and lead generation, then your priorities and activities need to be adjusted.

The good news is that is OK. You are a business owner and your business, your leadership, and your management will always evolve throughout your career. It never ends, just like your evolving priorities.

Success can be measured by those tiny, sometimes insignificant moments we perceive as nothing, if we allow ourselves to feel them...

Hope you enjoyed. Send comments, topics, and feedback to

Saturday, January 17, 2015

How Do We Build A Culture Of Empathy & Compassion Within Women In Business?

Women in business have thrived over the last decade, no one can deny that. But, isn't there always a but?? But, the journey is long and arduous, while gratifying and relevant. Isn't everything a double edged sword in business, especially for women?

Every day, I experience women who are amazing, inspiring, driven, adventurous, and kind. These experiences fuel my desire to learn new things, be curious about the things that interest me, and follow the trends these things result in. These women keep me going through thick and thin.

In contrast, remember the female culture in grade school? That person learned and was programmed to be competitive of other women, and grew that culture over time through their teens. Warning: this is not a discussion of blame, or what went wrong, or why we're not there. Blame and re-generating the past is futile.

The message and opportunity in this discussion is take action to change the culture over time, because this will always be a journey, but one we can affect change in, and advance of women.

My hope is that women everywhere reflect on their relationships with their female colleagues, friends, family, acquaintances, client's, or saleswomen, and ask themselves:

Are my relationships with all women I interact with daily that of compassion and empathy, or do I compete with those women with less desirable behavior?

Only one answer to this question is the correct answer!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed! I welcome all comments.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Why Having A Sales Plan Is An Essential Component To Your Marketing Plan In Small Business by Donna Slater

Why is it that people in small business do not generally create and implement a written "marketing plan"? And, why is it that people in small business also do not generally implement a "sales plan" to compliment the marketing plan? Even if your plan is in your head, how are you tracking your activities? These are questions I ponder as I talk with small business owners every day. If your perspective of what exactly a "marketing plan" is and the value which it brings to your business is not aligned, you should take a step back and re-visit your goals, vision, and mission statements.

Your marketing plan is optimal when you're tracking your sales activities, which tie back to your marketing plan and who your ideal client is, what they want, and how they want it! The main key is to utilize strategy marketing vs. tactical marketing. Knowing your client's hot buttons, accessibility needs, what they are thinking, and how you differ from the last coach they spoke to, will give you the leverage you need to find qualified clients. Try to enter the thought process going on in your client's head during their decision process.

A sales plan is absolutely necessary to supplement your marketing efforts and implementation. This will determine whether you run your business with a revenue or expense focus. The no-brainer is we all should absolutely focus on revenue. (Another day, we'll talk about the Pareto's 80/20 rule, which is very interesting when you break down your daily activities). If you are a visual person, mind mapping is an effective way to create your sales process. Creating a sales process, while it sounds administrative, is actually a sales tool, rather than something to be perceived as negative.

Reflect on the following questions as it relates to your sales and marketing plans simultaneously:
1. Do I have a written marketing plan and is it effectively aligned with the values of my mission and vision statements? Are my daily activities reflective of the actions needed to support my vision and mission statements?
2. Am I meeting my financial expectations? Is the business making money? Could I take on more clients? What do I need to do to increase business, sales, and revenue?
3. Do I have different methods that separate me, or a bold statement I can back up with action?
4. Do I have opportunity to raise prices based on demand, my competitors, and the marketplace?

The common thread with small business growth is a well-thought marketing and sales plan. Once you have these in place and implemented, your "ideal client" will be obvious to you and your prospects. This is when you define who your "qualified client" and focus on those prospects 80% of your time. You and your client will have a win-win experience.
Finally, the questions above create great discussion points in any coaching, consulting, or general business. Thank you.

I will give anyone who enjoys this, my first article, a Comprehensive Business Assessment ($1,000 valued) for free for the remainder of January.. Comments are also welcome. Email, or fill in your contact information at Alternatively, give me a call at 925-822-8519 for a free consultation.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

About Me & What to Expect in Future Blogs

A little bit about me...

Hi, my name is Donna Slater. I am the founder and owner of Women4WomenClub. I created my company with passion and purpose, having identified a need and support for women in business. I spent the last 30 years in the corporate world, in some of the most fascinating roles, and learning valuable lessons and skills every day of my career.

What I have found through careful research and reflection, is I have a larger opportunity to grow with and impact other women in business, one on one in the small business arena, rather than working the masses in the corporate arena. The revelation in which I had greater opportunities as a woman, working and connecting with women, and providing all women in business a forum to mentor and collaborate, was a passionate cause, in which I was willing to commit the rest of my career.

As for my work history, I possess a finance background, with a focus on sales, revenue growth, lead generation, and analytics. Additionally, I incorporated leadership, coaching, operational processes, sales & marketing strategies, and coaching into my skillset, as a result of learning and growing every day.

I have worked at some of the most fascinating companies, where I was encouraged to grow, such as Wells Fargo NA, Morgan Stanley, and Balboa Thrift and Loan.
I am humbled talking about myself, as my real purpose and passion is to help and serve women in business find their own passion. I chose the gender association with women as a result of my experience in the corporate world, and the differences I witnessed with gender equality. I hesitate to state the obvious, but as a woman, I, therefore feel compelled to help and support other women in business create their own successes.

Committed to your success,


Future blogs will feature women's advancement & advocacy, sales and marketing strategies, women's issues, sales ideas. I will be real and transparent about my views, opinions, and non-judgements. If you like my blog, forward on to another women, who might enjoy the same content.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

My Blog's Purpose...

I write this blog to allow women in business a platform to connect on many, work, spiritual, creative, and business to find their passion. My passion in life and work is to help women, particularly in small business, manifest big ideas into reality. You see, as a female in business for many years, I am compelled to encourage and advocate, and help advance women in business. This is my life's purpose and I will use my blog to achieve my passion, purpose, goals, and life's work.

As for today, remember nothing in life and business is your personal status quo. Every day your priorities change, you face new challenges, and you have
opportunities to choose your moments of peace, grace, and humility. Your perception on how you view the last statement is how your path then plays out into reality. Think about how you view events in your day and try to view these events with a clean slate of consciousness, rather than judging as good or bad, right or wrong.